Needs & Means is now

By Richard Smith | September 4, 2019

I am very pleased to announce that, as of 20 May 2019, the Needs & Means application is now hosted, operated and supported by Gilb International AS, running on, powered by the Needs & Means software from RSBA Technology Ltd, now forms a key part of Gilb’s ValueFirst service offering. Along with access to the world’s first web-based Planguage tool, Gilb offers tuition, courses, consultancy and thought leadership in advanced agile systems engineering methods.

The original Needs & Means hosted public Beta service at has now been shutdown. I’m so grateful for all the enthusiasm and feedback provided to me over the past four years to get the service to this new exciting point in its history.

If you have any questions on the new service, please contact

If you have any other questions, please contact me at

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