How To Export / Delete All Content

By Richard Smith | October 28, 2018

Find out how to export or permanently delete all of the content from your Needs & Means Organisation

  1. Export Machine-Readable Data
  2. Permanently Delete All Organisation Data

Export Machine-Readable Data

Organisation Data Export

Any Organisation Adminstration - role user in your Needs & Means Organisation account can obtain a copy of all user - generated data in your Organisation in a machine-readable format.

To export your Organisation’s data:

  1. From the “More…” menu in the header bar, find and click the “Organisation Settings” menu option in the “Admin” menu section. You will only see this option if you are a Organisation Administration user.
  2. Click the “Export” tab on the right-hand side of the Organisation Administration page.
  3. Read the information panel.
  4. Click the Export data button button.

The button will change to “Processing” as the system gathers and transforms the content data into a set of JSON - syntax text files.

The data is bundled into a zip archive file with the same name as your Needs & Means Organisation and automatically downloaded from your browser. Check your browser’s “Downloads” folder for the zip file.

The zip file contains a series of JSON files, one for each MongoDB database collection we use to store your data:

Export Zip File Contents

Please get in touch if you need help in understanding the format, structure and contents of these files.

Permanently Delete All Organisation Data

Organisation Delete

Any Organisation Adminstration - role user in your Needs & Means Organisation account can permanently delete all user - generated data held by your Organisation in Needs & Means. This includes all user accounts, projects, specifications, everything.

To permanently delete all your Organisation’s data in Needs & Means:

  1. From the “More…” menu in the header bar, find and click the “Organisation Settings” menu option in the “Admin” menu section. You will only see this option if you are a Organisation Administration user.
  2. Click the “Delete” tab on the right-hand side of the Organisation Administration page.
  3. Read the warning information panel
  4. If you wish to proceed, click the Organisation Delete button button.
  5. As a safety check, please type in the Organisation’s tag in the “Tag” field in the “Permanently delete an Organisation” dialog window (see screenshot below).
  6. If you have typed the Organisation tag correctly, the “Hard Delete” button will become enabled.
  7. To finally go ahead with the deletion, click the “Hard Delete” button. THIS IS THE POINT OF NO RETURN! WE CANNOT RETRIEVE YOUR DATA AFTER THIS FINAL ACTION
  8. If the deletion is successful, the system will navigate to the log in screen. If there was a problem, you will see an error message and prompted to contact us.

Organisation Delete Dialog

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